muddypat82: Her latest pumps and socks combination for a squelch in the mud.
muddypat82: Best foot forward into the mud!
muddypat82: Both feet in the mud now.
muddypat82: Socks starting to get muddy as it gets deeper and wetter!
muddypat82: Inevitably she lost a shoe in the sticky mud! Nice blue toe!
muddypat82: Getting really muddy now!
muddypat82: Her beautiful shoes looking the worse for wear.
muddypat82: The squelchy wet mud came over the tops of her shoes resulting in mud covered socks.
muddypat82: One shoe stayed behind in the mud again!
muddypat82: Both shoes off! She was really struggling to keep her shoes on in the deep mud!
muddypat82: Shoes coming off in the mud.
muddypat82: Socks in the mud!
muddypat82: Shoeless in the glorious mud!
muddypat82: Favourite stripey socks after a mud bath.
muddypat82: Shoes completely lost by this point.
muddypat82: Emerging from the bog with no shoes on!
muddypat82: She fell to her knees in the mud! Check the ruined socks!