LowDownOnline: Fiddler Trish Barclay and Fiddleheads Chelsea/Wakefield, a youth musical theatre group, set toes a-tapping.
LowDownOnline: John Burns urges the audience to sing along.
LowDownOnline: Jill Rick and Bonnie Keeler sing about dad drunk at Christmas.
LowDownOnline: Mike Beedell sings "I am cow, hear me moo."
LowDownOnline: A group of mummers emerged mid-show. Who is this mummer?
LowDownOnline: Oh! It's Chelsea gardening gal Jenny Crawley!
LowDownOnline: Surprise! Low Down ad manager Pam Connolly was a mummer. We had no idea. Seriously, we didn't.
LowDownOnline: Chris MacLean strums away near the end of the evening.