Students and teachers at Queen Elizabeth pose for a photo after the cauldron was lit. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
Iven Pelly lights the Olympic cauldron while Ota Hora announces that the Games have officially opened. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
Queen Elizabeth fans cheer along Hwy 105 as students run by with the torch. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
Erica Courtney can barely see through her toque, but she still manages to run a straight line. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
Kindergarden student Madison Howsen smiles with the torch in her hands. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
Mikael Joss starts his rotation running with the torch. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
Kazabazua Mayor Ota Hora and 6-year-old Darrin Franklin of Gracefield light the Queen Elizabeth Olympic torch Feb. 12. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.