LowDownOnline: Students and teachers at Queen Elizabeth pose for a photo after the cauldron was lit. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Iven Pelly lights the Olympic cauldron while Ota Hora announces that the Games have officially opened. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Queen Elizabeth fans cheer along Hwy 105 as students run by with the torch. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Erica Courtney can barely see through her toque, but she still manages to run a straight line. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Kindergarden student Madison Howsen smiles with the torch in her hands. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Mikael Joss starts his rotation running with the torch. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Kazabazua Mayor Ota Hora and 6-year-old Darrin Franklin of Gracefield light the Queen Elizabeth Olympic torch Feb. 12. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.