LowDownOnline: Pierre Blin of Wakefield creates a glowing circle around his body in front of the Black Sheep Inn July 24 during Rompre Stomp. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: A fire spinner swings flames through the air. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Melanie Lussier creates spiralling patterns with her fire chains. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Pierre Blin glides through the flames. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Fire spinners line the street in front of the Black Sheep, giving spectators a late night light show. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Melanie Lussier and Pierre Blin of Wakefield perform with fire on Riverside Dr. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Melanie Lussier dances through her streams of fire. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Melanie Lussier of Wakefield swings her flames close to the camera. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Wakefield's Sean Butler spins fire in front of the Black Sheep Inn between musical acts at Rompre Stomp. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Louis Rompre busts out his flute, jamming alongside the band Mystery Stain. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Louis Rompre joins in on the jam with a hand drum. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Mystery Stain bassist Chris Rompre plucks a baseline at the Black Sheep. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Fuzzy Bunny Slaughterhouse vocalist Philo Cojones waves his hand to the crowd while singing a high-energy funk tune. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Shawn, Chris and Louis Rompre sway in each other's arms while a large crowd sings "Happy Birthday." Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: A packed crowd dances in front of the stage at the Black Sheep Inn while the band Funktagon jams out a tune. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.