LowDownOnline: James Farr sings his heart out July 18. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Simon Honeyman smiles at his guitar as he plays a seamless acoustic solo. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: James Farr gets into a groove. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Eric Farr of Honeyman and the Brothers Farr plays a piano ballad for a curious crowd. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: James Farr jams on a folk riff. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Chelsea's James Farr of Honeyman and the Brothers Farr grunts through a solo at the Black Sheep Stage July 18. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Guitarist Heather Crawford of Funktagon rips a solo while her hair blows in the wind.
LowDownOnline: Shawn Rompre of Funktagon jams on a drum beat. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Lindsay Ferguson and Louis Rompre of Wakefield party in front of the Bank of America Stage July 18, while Funktagon plays an early afternoon show. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Funktagon vocalists Joanna Mohammed, Janee Olivia and Marla Walters groove to some R&B on the Bank of America Stage July 18. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: John McAlpine of the Chislers sings to the crowd in his deep outlaw country voice
LowDownOnline: Shane Bradley and John McAlpine of the Chislers jam on a riff. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Chislers guitarist/vocalist Shane Bradley sings a stomping country tune to an excited crowd in the Byward market. Photo by Trevor Greenway of the Low Down
LowDownOnline: Chisler's percussionist Steve Sabean of Wakefield slams away on his drumkit during their concert at the York St. Stage July 13. Photo By Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Lindsay Ferguson sails away with audiences July 10. Photo by Ming Wu for the Low Down
LowDownOnline: Lindsay Ferguson of Wakefield belts out a tune on the Subway Stage July 10. Photo by Ming Wu for the Low Down.
LowDownOnline: Low's Tyler Kealey sings to an attentive crowd at the Hard Rock Cafe Stage July 8. Photo By Trevor Greenway of the Low Down.