Wayne's Work: Another view of the Gandalf + Shadowfax Mural
Wayne's Work: Another view of the mural on the gas tank door.
Wayne's Work: The finished mural on the gas tank door.
Wayne's Work: Beginning of the mural on the gas tank door.
Wayne's Work: The finished mural. Note Sue's clever touch putting Wayne's face on the rider.
Wayne's Work: Sue Hopper air-brushing the new Gandalf mural for Wayne.
Wayne's Work: The finished mural.
Wayne's Work: Sue and her beautiful handiwork.
Wayne's Work: Swing Arm Action
Wayne's Work: WheelChair_On_Off
Wayne's Work: Gold eagle license plate holder
Wayne's Work: IMG_1344
Wayne's Work: WC Rack
Wayne's Work: WC Rack Hook
Wayne's Work: IMG_1347
Wayne's Work: IMG_1348
Wayne's Work: IMG_1349
Wayne's Work: IMG_1350
Wayne's Work: IMG_1351
Wayne's Work: IMG_1352
Wayne's Work: IMG_1353
Wayne's Work: IMG_1354
Wayne's Work: IMG_1355
Wayne's Work: IMG_1356
Wayne's Work: IMG_1357
Wayne's Work: IMG_1358
Wayne's Work: IMG_1359
Wayne's Work: IMG_1360
Wayne's Work: IMG_1361
Wayne's Work: IMG_1362