Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- Team Stitch London
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- Yarn Apron ingenuity
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- Tina B and her red tutu
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- Race for Life horror
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- Stretch
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- Warm up boogie
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- Watching you, watching me
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- Yarn wrangling
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- Pattern prep
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- why we race
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- high five
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- starting on the wrong side
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- knitting, racing, knitting
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- St Pauls
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- 500 metres to cake
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- everything stops for Raglan
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- home straight
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- last few rows
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- nearly done
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- two thirds
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- almost finished
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- very close
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- excellent work
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- nearly there
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- halfway
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- distracted by cake
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- a fine beard
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- pink knit ladies
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- winners
Stitch London: Race for Life 2010- cake bringer