Stitch London: Moustachioed visitors
Stitch London: Gingers and tashes at Tower Bridge
Stitch London: Freeze or I will unleash the moustache ray
Stitch London: Marion the strong man
Stitch London: Not embarrased at all
Stitch London: Moustache chic
Stitch London: A cool Candadian tash
Stitch London: Knit Crawl Stop One - Tower Bridge
Stitch London: A smattering a tashes
Stitch London: Knitters at the Scoop
Stitch London: Knitters at Tower Bridge
Stitch London: Manly men
Stitch London: Tash twirlers
Stitch London: Mustachioed adipose
Stitch London: The ladies and their face fur
Stitch London: Walking and winding
Stitch London: Gemma and her tash of many colours
Stitch London: Knit Crawl Stop Two - Tate Modern
Stitch London: Knitters in the Turbine Hall
Stitch London: Tiny fingerknitter
Stitch London: Haughty tashes
Stitch London: Villianous pom poming
Stitch London: Pom poms on the South Bank
Stitch London: Free Hugs lady
Stitch London: A severe tash
Stitch London: Emma, tash and fabulous cakes
Stitch London: The most fabulous knitting cupcakes on earth
Stitch London: We create men with woollen nose neighbours
Stitch London: Linda and the wee one
Stitch London: Knit Crawl Stop Three - the London Eye