Richard Eric:
Laurie at her party.
Richard Eric:
Richard Eric:
Kathy Kallick
Richard Eric:
Harriet & Artie Rose
Richard Eric:
Kathy and Laurie
Richard Eric:
Sophie, Ray, and Kathy
Richard Eric:
Richard Eric:
The birthday girl.
Richard Eric:
Richard Eric:
This kept happening.
Richard Eric:
Richard Eric:
Ray and one of his dinners.
Richard Eric:
Patrice & John
Richard Eric:
Ray and Sophie
Richard Eric:
Tom Rozum.
Richard Eric:
Tom and the girls at the cooler.
Richard Eric:
Richard Eric:
Laurie & Mary
Richard Eric:
Laurie, Mary, and Mark
Richard Eric:
Richard Eric:
Laurie, Mary, and Mark
Richard Eric:
Tony and Patrice beguiling the fog from the lagoon.
Richard Eric:
Sophie & Ray
Richard Eric:
Sophie & Ray
Richard Eric:
Sophie & Ray
Richard Eric:
Sophie and her dad.
Richard Eric:
Ray and his girl who is cool.
Richard Eric:
Bolinas Lagoon