texasgloria52: P1190258 ID HELP!
texasgloria52: P1190410 a Blue Headed Vireo
texasgloria52: P1190457 a Blue Headed Vireo
texasgloria52: P1190040 a little Wyoming squirrel
texasgloria52: P1180877 2 Bull Moose in Wyoming
texasgloria52: P1180877
texasgloria52: P1190063 ID HELP! I found him in Wyoming in the 2nd week of Sept. of this year.
texasgloria52: P1190358 Yellow Warbler
texasgloria52: P1190025 A Ruby Crowned Kinglet in the Tetons in Wyoming
texasgloria52: P1180701 A Gray Jay in Yellowstone Park. Another lifer!
texasgloria52: P1180665 An American Dipper in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming
texasgloria52: P1180561 Immature Raven in Wyoming in Yellowstone Park at Old Faithful.
texasgloria52: P1180549 Raven in Wyoming in Yellowstone Park at Old Faithful.
texasgloria52: P1180414 Bald Eagle in Wyoming
texasgloria52: P1180422- Bald Eagle in Wyoming
texasgloria52: P1180419 Bald Eagle in Wyoming
texasgloria52: P1180254 Chipmunk in Wyoming
texasgloria52: P1180226 Osprey in Wyoming
texasgloria52: P1180227 Osprey in Wyoming
texasgloria52: P1180231 Osprey in Wyoming
texasgloria52: P1180195 Mountain Chickadee in Wyoming
texasgloria52: P1180193 Mountain Chickadee in Wyoming
texasgloria52: P1180150 Magpie in Wyoming
texasgloria52: P1180173 Magpie in Wyoming