UE Critical Mass: Laid To Rest
UE Critical Mass: Urbex JNR High
UE Critical Mass: It was Critical Mass, in the sitting room with the Lead Piping!!
UE Critical Mass: ...and so he waited!
UE Critical Mass: X-Ray Dept
UE Critical Mass: Up The Junction
UE Critical Mass: The Shadow(less) Man
UE Critical Mass: A Choice Needs To Be Made
UE Critical Mass: The Face At The End Of The Coridor
UE Critical Mass: Where no-one wants to be!!
UE Critical Mass: A Downward Spiral
UE Critical Mass: Follow The Light
UE Critical Mass: This Roof Has Seen Better Days!!
UE Critical Mass: Keep Out?....It's A Little Late For That!!
UE Critical Mass: Washrooms?? Top of The corridor, just on the right!
UE Critical Mass: The Theatre
UE Critical Mass: You've been Ward
UE Critical Mass: Corridor Maze
UE Critical Mass: I Insist, after you!!!!
UE Critical Mass: X-Ray Rays
UE Critical Mass: Identified!
UE Critical Mass: It's Nearly Time
UE Critical Mass: There's No Point Going Any Further
UE Critical Mass: Standing In The Light