Martys Fiber Musings: dove sunning
Martys Fiber Musings: community bird bath
Martys Fiber Musings: cardinal nest outside bathroom window
Martys Fiber Musings: cardinal flew the nest exhausted
Martys Fiber Musings: robin fledling ready to fly
Martys Fiber Musings: one bird out
Martys Fiber Musings: woodpecker fledgling
Martys Fiber Musings: parakeets at the zoo
Martys Fiber Musings: nesting doves
Martys Fiber Musings: yes, it's hot here too
Martys Fiber Musings: hmmmm time to move on
Martys Fiber Musings: community bird bath
Martys Fiber Musings: taking a deep breath before I plunge back in
Martys Fiber Musings: sweet delight
Martys Fiber Musings: bee sipping dew from sunflower bowl
Martys Fiber Musings: serene garden
Martys Fiber Musings: dried wreath in sepia
Martys Fiber Musings: Just another day on the farm! Blogged
Martys Fiber Musings: Phlox in my garden
Martys Fiber Musings: Roses in San Lodovico Garden
Martys Fiber Musings: split leaf philodendron
Martys Fiber Musings: tree frog in motion
Martys Fiber Musings: girl or boy frog???