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IMG_3231 mother nature heals
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IMG_2632 a part of the old gate house left from the heritage boundary
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IMG_2542 sweet wagtail
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IMG_3182 grey wagtail on bog bean roots
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george the koi (september 2019 )
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moorhens in the flowers (september 2019 )
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IMG_2259 a peek of windsor castle from the small offshoot of the thames
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IMG_3067 flowering currant
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IMG_2402 flowering currant
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IMG_2431 marsh marigold / king cup
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IMG_2400 flowering current , ribes sanguineum
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IMG_2396 moorhens love to sit in secluded spots
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IMG_2408 cuddle
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IMG_2260 a sweet jay bird (pic by my daughter)
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IMG_2345 bat homes
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IMG_2873 st john w/ spring starflowers :)
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IMG_2756 moorhen w/ marsh marigold by the pond
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IMG_3192 puddy having a good scratch
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IMG_2066 mossy saxifrage , saxifraga arendsii
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IMG_2156 entrance to the memorial garden from st giles garden
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IMG_3146 ground ivy and daisies
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IMG_3147 the path since the flooding dried out
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IMG_2224 yeah i like flipflops !
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IMG_2198 close to the lake ,view on the horizon of stoke park country club
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IMG_2164 the marker stone with quote of thomas gray in the oak dell
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IMG_2570 800 year old 'Druid tree'
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IMG_2855 on a grave