belight7 ॐ: DSCF4901 todays foraging
belight7 ॐ: DSCF1725
belight7 ॐ: DSCF6112
belight7 ॐ: DSCF1715 fruit crumble (again !) yumm
belight7 ॐ: IMG_3700 goldenrod tea ;)
belight7 ॐ: DSCF6557 collecting 'fat hen' one of our favourite wild greens
belight7 ॐ: DSCF1592 mahonia
belight7 ॐ: DSCF1487 wild raspberry
belight7 ॐ: IMG_5760 salad w/foraged daisies and yarrow leaves
belight7 ॐ: IMG_0220 found a whole patch of wild herbs (majoram)
belight7 ॐ: IMG_3020 stir fry dead nettle leaves in beans ,garlic ,
belight7 ॐ: DSCF1193 elderflower cordial
belight7 ॐ: IMG_8753 hostas
belight7 ॐ: DSCF1265 foraged rose-hips for making tea/ cordial
belight7 ॐ: IMG_0057 lots of ladies bedstraw !
belight7 ॐ: IMG_8013 sumac
belight7 ॐ: DSCF1428 new crow garlic to forage
belight7 ॐ: foraging sloes
belight7 ॐ: DSCF9211 foraged greens
belight7 ॐ: IMG_3718 jack by the hedge growing new leaves again
belight7 ॐ: DSCF1933
belight7 ॐ: DSCF5848 sizeable patch of wild camomile :)
belight7 ॐ: IMG_7137 part of the prep for foraged ferns is to boil for 5 minutes then sit in ice water, eventually they get stir fried , then they are ready to eat
belight7 ॐ: IMG_2486 edible wild ground ivy leaves
belight7 ॐ: DSCF2172 wild colts foot flowers
belight7 ॐ: DSCF0947
belight7 ॐ: DSCF6435 fennel
belight7 ॐ: IMG_9989 bird cherry
belight7 ॐ: DSCF1019 vegan sponge cake , thankyou bbc good food