belight7 ॐ: 1958 - holiday my mother ,sisters and her mom
belight7 ॐ: 1966 my mother at work at a Printers London (age 16)
belight7 ॐ: 1941my grandmothers best friend Marjorie
belight7 ॐ: 1940 grandad & friend Ed. Sent to his brother Harry in the war
belight7 ॐ: 1950 my grandmothers brother Joe & girlfriend who died of cancer :(
belight7 ॐ: 1939 my grandmother & her Uncle Joe (her dad's twin) c18yrs
belight7 ॐ: 1937 grandmothers uncle Joe boxing
belight7 ॐ: 1936 grandmother 15yrs old
belight7 ॐ: 1935 grandfathers 'sister' Edna & Bill
belight7 ॐ: 1935 017 dad with mate (cycling holiday)
belight7 ॐ: my grandmothers polish jewish grandma Deborah (b1855), married Lewis . Houndsditch London
belight7 ॐ: 1930 grandfather
belight7 ॐ: 1934 grandfathers work
belight7 ॐ: 1934 my grandafathers sense of humour ,,, goofing about at the work break
belight7 ॐ: 1935 grandmothers Uncle Joe and wife and?
belight7 ॐ: 1927 my grandfathers brother George (b1907)
belight7 ॐ: 1930 my grandmothers dad ' Pop'
belight7 ॐ: 1914 my maternal grandfathers dad George (1886-1918)
belight7 ॐ: 1945 grandmothers brother Joe
belight7 ॐ: 1940 my grandmothers Uncle Joe,grandmothers mom , her dad 'Pop', her sister Anne and a beautiful horse (the twins were horse riders) and unknown relatives
belight7 ॐ: 1932 gradnfathers sister Edna (b1914) c1932
belight7 ॐ: 1956 my grandfather with my mother and her sister
belight7 ॐ: grandfather and grandmothers Wedding Dec 1941
belight7 ॐ: 1954 aunty and mother
belight7 ॐ: 1943 grandmother and her first born
belight7 ॐ: 1924 grandfather (seated) with brother George
belight7 ॐ: 1935 grandfather on right and friend
belight7 ॐ: 1908 my grandfathers dad , top left with his father and brothers ~George William (my grandfathers dad), George snr, ( my grandads grandfather!))
belight7 ॐ: 1922 grandfather on left, and friend
belight7 ॐ: my grandmothers father ' Pop' in boat on hols c1935