belight7 ॐ: DSCF1733 flowers for thomas grays grave
belight7 ॐ: IMG_6169 thomas gray field with his monument , next to st giles church
belight7 ॐ: IMG_6170
belight7 ॐ: IMG_6051
belight7 ॐ: IMG_0735 grays 'nodding beech '
belight7 ॐ: IMG_6059 @ st giles church
belight7 ॐ: IMG_7003 in the oak dell
belight7 ॐ: IMG_2070 thomas grays burial place
belight7 ॐ: IMG_2068 thomas grays burial place
belight7 ॐ: IMG_2069 thomas grays grave
belight7 ॐ: IMG_2169 a quote from his poem at the oak dell where he once sat <3
belight7 ॐ: IMG_2129 thomas gray leaflet in st giles
belight7 ॐ: IMG_2164 the marker stone with quote of thomas gray in the oak dell
belight7 ॐ: IMG_7683 thomas' grave
belight7 ॐ: IMG_7681 to remember ,,,,
belight7 ॐ: IMG_7604 at the oak dell where thomas once sat
belight7 ॐ: IMG_7603 600 years old and counting
belight7 ॐ: DSCF1645 thomas gray
belight7 ॐ: IMG_2167 the oak dell, 600 year old mighty Oak thomas gray loved
belight7 ॐ: DSCF4038 forget-me-nots at thomas grays memorial
belight7 ॐ: DSCF0226 my daughters poem about our favorite oak tree
belight7 ॐ: MVI_7605 @ the oak dell
belight7 ॐ: MVI_2168 at the oak dell ~600 year old Oak<3