belight7 ॐ: DSCF0002 vege lunch with daughters baked bread
belight7 ॐ: a brief moment, as they call it the calm before the storm
belight7 ॐ: DSCF3014
belight7 ॐ: IMG_1536
belight7 ॐ: DSCF3920
belight7 ॐ: IMG_8178
belight7 ॐ: DSCF4006 a unexpected guest having a rest on our balcony <3
belight7 ॐ: DSCF8703
belight7 ॐ: DSCF1082
belight7 ॐ: DSCF1473 basil cuttings doing well :)
belight7 ॐ: DSCF2180 elderflower cordial
belight7 ॐ: DSCF1466 Happy Mabon / Autumn Equinox ! Blessings to everyone
belight7 ॐ: IMG_0137
belight7 ॐ: IMG_0018
belight7 ॐ: IMG_1045
belight7 ॐ: DSCF1053
belight7 ॐ: IMG_1078 found bird nests
belight7 ॐ: IMG_8144
belight7 ॐ: IMG_1079 old lamp
belight7 ॐ: IMG_5149 salad at home with our edible flowers grown on the window sill
belight7 ॐ: P1300509
belight7 ॐ: IMG_0677 our orchid flowering again :)
belight7 ॐ: IMG_0004
belight7 ॐ: DSCF1298 another batch of elderberry cordial
belight7 ॐ: DSCF7700 sunrise seen thru the curtain
belight7 ॐ: DSCF9048 fruit smoothie with foraged flowers