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BC Railroads - Logging by R R Horne
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R R Horne
Comox Logging & Railway #7 near Duncan, BC
R R Horne
McMillan Bloedel #1055
R R Horne
McMillan & Bloedel #1044, Vancouver Island, BC
R R Horne
McMillan, Bloedel & Powell River Ltd #1044, Vancouver Island, BC
R R Horne
Hillcrest Lumber #10 at Mesachie Lake, B.C.
R R Horne
Hillcrest Lumber #10
R R Horne
Hillcrest Lumber #10 at Mesachie Lake
R R Horne
Hillcrest Lumber #10
R R Horne
#1044 working on Vancouver Island
R R Horne
McMilllan Bloedel #1044
R R Horne
West Coast Railway #16 at CNR Vancouver Shops
R R Horne
West Coast Railway #16 at CNR Vancouver Shops
R R Horne
Crown Zellerbach #4097 crossing the Nanaimo River on Vancouver Island.
R R Horne
Crown Zellerbach #4097 on Vancouver Island.
R R Horne
Vancouver Wharves #114 on September 19, 1970
R R Horne
Former Comox Logging #16 running on the Victoria Pacific Railway.
R R Horne
Crown Zellerbach on Vancouver Island
R R Horne
Crown Zellerbach Speeder #108
R R Horne
MacMillan Bloedel & Powell River #1077
R R Horne
ex MacMillan Bloedel & Powell River #1077
R R Horne
Victoria Pacific #16 at Atkins Road
R R Horne
Comox Logging and Railway #2, Courtenay, BC
R R Horne
Crown Zellerbach #4097