aBF daily: yes, I biked home like this
aBF daily: getting ready to sanitize the carboy
aBF daily: adding the malt
aBF daily: well, of course we're going to cook, too
aBF daily: getting the last tasty bits out of the pumpkin mash
aBF daily: how can we get the temperature down faster
aBF daily: cooling our brew, hipster-style
aBF daily: pouring 5 gallons of beer is a group project
aBF daily: spent grain burgers
aBF daily: ooh, i see some bubbles!
aBF daily: kate starts the sterilizing buckets
aBF daily: it is important to make snacks while making beer
aBF daily: Joey gets working on snacks
aBF daily: katie tests out the capper
aBF daily: joey's on capping duty
aBF daily: carina and aaron work the auto-siphon
aBF daily: amanda pre-tastes our brew
aBF daily: keep these in a dark place
aBF daily: our new brew - bottled!
aBF daily: first pour - 10 sept 2012
aBF daily: jessica takes a sip - 10 sept 2012
aBF daily: rushing the saison entry
aBF daily: Michelle cracks open a bottle of RTS
aBF daily: Part of a celebratory farm dinner
aBF daily: jessica gets the grain bag ready - 9 dec 2012
aBF daily: josh and jessica stir in the malt - 9 dec 2012
aBF daily: jessica and josh add the malt - 9 dec 2012
aBF daily: timing is very important - homebrewing 9 dec 2012
aBF daily: only minimal leakage from the wort chiller - 9 dec 2012
aBF daily: adding the yeast, close-up