Ken Hennell: Speckled Rattlesnake
Ken Hennell: Coyote
Ken Hennell: Speckled Rattlesnake - Crotalus mitchellii
Ken Hennell: Granite Spiny Lizard - Sceloporus orcutti
Ken Hennell: Granite Spiny Lizard - Sceloporus orcutti
Ken Hennell: wabbit
Ken Hennell: Hyalophora euryalus (Ceanothus Silkmoth)
Ken Hennell: Anuroctonus phaiodactylus (Burrowing Scorpion)
Ken Hennell: Squirrel Edited For Peggie
Ken Hennell: Coyote, what are you doing to my plant?
Ken Hennell: leucistic red-tailed hawk
Ken Hennell: Uta stansburiana ~ Common Side-blotched Lizard
Ken Hennell: Ground squirrel
Ken Hennell: Northern Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos
Ken Hennell: Hi there!
Ken Hennell: Gilbert's Skink Subspecies: Western Red-tailed
Ken Hennell: Dragonfly
Ken Hennell: Damselfly
Ken Hennell: Hooded Oriole (Icterus cucullatus)
Ken Hennell: Still going
Ken Hennell: Granite Spiny Lizard
Ken Hennell: Western Fence Lizard
Ken Hennell: rattlesnake eating a lizard - iPhone 6 Plus
Ken Hennell: Damselfly
Ken Hennell: Damselfly at the pond
Ken Hennell: Brachychiton discolor
Ken Hennell: robber fly
Ken Hennell: Great Horned Owl