RSPT49: Prepping the lift IMG_5183
RSPT49: Removing Crate from 120 ton Lower cyclotron part IMG_5201
RSPT49: Removing crate IMG_5208
RSPT49: Next the cyclotron IMG_5222
RSPT49: Rigging IMG_5231
RSPT49: Removing retaining bolts IMG_5270
RSPT49: Removing bolts from base IMG_5276
RSPT49: Removing last attachment IMG_5345
RSPT49: Ready for touch down IMG_5410
RSPT49: SCCA Procure sign IMG_5531
RSPT49: Positioning Gantry for final lift into place IMG_5462
RSPT49: Removing retaining bolt for cyclotron base IMG_5280
RSPT49: Patient treatment room for proton beam underconstruction IMG_5431
RSPT49: Patient treatment room for proton beam thereapy IMG_5449
RSPT49: Patient treatment room under construction for proton beam therapy IMG_5451
RSPT49: 232,00 lbs lift of cyclotron base IMG_5371
RSPT49: Setdown of cyclotron base IMG_5416
RSPT49: The lift IMG_5365
RSPT49: IMG_5311
RSPT49: AMR Ambulance IMG_6324
RSPT49: CT Scanner IMG_6282
RSPT49: Cyclotron and Proton delivery system IMG_6301
RSPT49: Cyclotron IMG_6302
RSPT49: Proton therapy treatment room IMG_6294