LegoAthos: Overview
LegoAthos: The Monster Fighters arrive in search of action.
LegoAthos: The haunted village, with Dr. Jekyll and the girl from the Ring
LegoAthos: Zombie Cemetery.
LegoAthos: Stonehenge rituals.
LegoAthos: Witch's house.
LegoAthos: Barge of the dead.
LegoAthos: An homage to the studios monster fighters
LegoAthos: Castle Dracula.
LegoAthos: Scooby doobie doo!
LegoAthos: Rise up my amphibian friends and take back the land!
LegoAthos: The headless horseman guards the bridge.
LegoAthos: The Doctor and Amy
LegoAthos: Exterminate! Exterminate!
LegoAthos: DSC07888
LegoAthos: DSC07887
LegoAthos: DSC07884
LegoAthos: DSC07885
LegoAthos: DSC07886
LegoAthos: DSC07887
LegoAthos: DSC07889
LegoAthos: DSC07891
LegoAthos: DSC07893
LegoAthos: DSC07894
LegoAthos: DSC07895
LegoAthos: DSC07896
LegoAthos: DSC07897
LegoAthos: DSC07898
LegoAthos: DSC07899
LegoAthos: DSC07900