Carol's_photos: Hay Hay HayDraude
Carol's_photos: Karen, rejecting the role of cam whore.
Carol's_photos: Freshly planted garden: lettuce & herbs.
Carol's_photos: Freshly planted garden: tomatoes, cucumbers, a squash, a habenero, peas, & beans.
Carol's_photos: I'm not wearing any pants in this photo.
Carol's_photos: Twin hug
Carol's_photos: Karen & Leon, apres kayaking.
Carol's_photos: Mmmm, popcorn.
Carol's_photos: Karen bitching at Leon for checking his Blackberry on the water.
Carol's_photos: On the water.
Carol's_photos: K adjusting her skirt.
Carol's_photos: The blue bridge to Esquimalt.
Carol's_photos: Leon & Karen