Carol's_photos: And so, in human perception, we are aware of the monads only collectively, and in such a way that they are blurred, and appear as if to be spread out in space.
Carol's_photos: Millenium Park
Carol's_photos: Behold: the heroic modernist future.
Carol's_photos: Reflective Bean
Carol's_photos: Super reflective bean thingy in Millenium Park
Carol's_photos: "... Chicago's long history of architectural and artistic excellence--and corruption!"
Carol's_photos: Outdoor concert hall in Millennium Park.
Carol's_photos: Super Reflective Bean in Millennium Park.
Carol's_photos: Courtesy of Frank Gehry: another giant silver wedding cake.
Carol's_photos: Garden in Millenium Park
Carol's_photos: Garden in Millenium Park
Carol's_photos: Scott & lion, outside the Art Institute
Carol's_photos: Dirty Degas
Carol's_photos: Van Gogh
Carol's_photos: Van Gogh