NickScando: through the looking glass
NickScando: the year of the bush
NickScando: audience reflections
NickScando: petrified forest
NickScando: autumn rains
NickScando: autumn wind rushes by
NickScando: urbanity
NickScando: surreal urban scene
NickScando: surreal
NickScando: urban theatre
NickScando: limelight
NickScando: limelights
NickScando: glow
NickScando: playing
NickScando: bushes playing Vivaldi's Winter
NickScando: two bushes play Vivaldi's Four Seasons on a tree out in the street
NickScando: a bush plays Vivaldi
NickScando: curtain call
NickScando: raise the roof
NickScando: end of the show
NickScando: after the show
NickScando: urban theatre