Nicholas V. Ruiz: Apartment steps...
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Book Market
Nicholas V. Ruiz: This is for Brittany. Yes you Brittany.
Nicholas V. Ruiz: This is for Brittany. Yes you Brittany.
Nicholas V. Ruiz: The temporary scaffolding looks pretty sweet! I think there's something to that!
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Can't Remeber where this is? This is what Paris looks like most of the time.
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Place des Vosges
Nicholas V. Ruiz: More Books
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Custom suits from scratch...
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Custom suits from scratch...
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Cool stencil...
Nicholas V. Ruiz: More trouble.
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Super French vs. Super French
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Levi's for Sale (look at the guy in the truck)
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Nice little stencil...
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Do you see it?
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Super French
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Super French vs. Super French
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Sickest bike I've seen in Paris so tasty.
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Sickest bike I've seen in Paris so tasty.
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Like I said, lots of boob and penis graffiti!
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Vintage Magazines and Posters. This place made a serious dent in my bank account! How the hell am I going to get this stuff back home???
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Renzo Piano Workshop