Nicholas V. Ruiz: View from my front door. Staying on Vondelpark.
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Two-fer. Very Common.
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Anthaneum Books
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Anthaneum Magazines
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Book market...every Friday! It's a good thing I have limited space. Only bought one.
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Why did I immediately think of Mick Charney?
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Truck/Bike
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Truck/Bike. Hand Brake
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Nooduitgang
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Girl with child on a bike...these things are like the SUV's of bikes. Total soccer mom.
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Hermitage. The tulips are just about to go crazy!
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Girl with child on bike holding an umbrella. Very common.
Nicholas V. Ruiz: La Chouffe (I know what you're thinking...they didn't have it)
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Even the matches are cool.
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Lunch under the trees...
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Jozef Israelskade
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Sweet Brick! Look at the crazy brick detailing! Tasty!
Nicholas V. Ruiz: Sneaky Sticker (when I was young I was a lesbian)