Marl1's Images: 61/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | Flow's tear-off calendar today teaches us some Oscars history. "Fun to know, on the list of most Oscar nominations, 2 women lead the pack. Meryl Streep has 17 en Katherine Hepburn, 11. Streep actually won 3 and Hepburn 4 (1st
Marl1's Images: 60/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | Flow calendar quotes Stanley Baldwin, 3 times prime minister of the UK, 1867-1947: "I would rather trust a woman's instinct than a man's reason" | Now that's a man I would trust :) but ehm... how abstract is that? Instinct?!
Marl1's Images: OK, February, let's call this a wrap. Over here you were wet, grey and too warm. Elsewhere too hot or too snowy. Thanks to all you IG people who commented and liked my #gowithmyflow2014 adventure! xo
Marl1's Images: 59/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | A whole story on the Flow calendar today, "about Barbara Millicent Roberts, better known as Barbie. If she was a real-life woman, her measures would be 91-46-83; she would be 2,20 m tall and have a neck 2x longer than normal.
Marl1's Images: 58/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | Flow's calendar today "we all know about kings and harems. But queens and harem existed too. Queen Kahina of Barbary had one of 400 men. She reigned in the year 700. Barbary was the part of North Africa where the Berbers live
Marl1's Images: 57/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | Flow Calendar informs us "that nowadays the great violin players are women. Long time they stayed in the shadows of their male colleagues. F.i. The charismatic Johanna Martzy who hardly got her lp's published. Her revenge us
Marl1's Images: 56/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | Flow Calendar advises today to make a list to inventorise what things you want to do and how much you actually do them, f.i. read, walk, watch a movie... | Mmm... Lists, lists... some make a list to remember the lists that w
Marl1's Images: 55/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | @flow_magazine calendar put me to an almost impossible task today. The page informs us about the inventor of the circular saw, being a woman called Tabitha Babbitt. | Now, we don't have circular saws wandering around the hou
Marl1's Images: 54/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | @flow_magazine has another quote today: "Flops are part of life's menu, and I'm not the kind of girl who wants to miss a course" (Rosalind Russel-actrice) | A difficult one to illustrate... So, what about a rained-out shoot,
Marl1's Images: 53/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | The sign for feminine, circle with cross, is also the symbol of Venus. It's said to be a stylized picture of the hand mirror of the Roman godess of love (@flow_magazine calendar)
Marl1's Images: 52/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | Flow today: language is the most important means to safeguard and transfer culture. The word "mothertongue" comes from the fact that children mostly learn to speak from their mom. | As if dads can't talk But this was fun! P
Marl1's Images: 51/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | Flow Calendar today: "In love it really works: live and let live. It sounds logic and simple, and still, we often forget" (from @flow_magazine 7-2011). | I have nothing to say to that, except that it's so true.
Marl1's Images: 50/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | Flow introduces us to another "inventor" today: Catherine Fake. In 2004 she came up with Flickr, a little over a year later she sold it for 30mio $ to Yahoo. Then another succesful website followed, and now she's in the BOD o
Marl1's Images: 49/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | Flow Calendar learns us today that the first usable dishwasher was invented by a woman called Josephine Cochrane, a fancy party queen. | Now, why doesn't that surprise me?.... ;)
Marl1's Images: 48/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | Flow has a quote today "One gets happier from an experience than from things that have to be kept in boxes" (Roos Ouwehand, actrice and column writer, in Flow 7-2012) | How happy does one get then from experiences that are ke
Marl1's Images: 47/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | info from Flow's calendar: actrice Heddy Lamar was multitalented. She invented a machine that could protect torpedos against disturbance. It wasn't until the 60-ies that it was taken seriously. Now it's commonly used in GPS,
Marl1's Images: 46/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | "Smile" is Flow's Calendar advice for Feb.15. Researcher Tara Kraft discovered that smiling has a positive effect in stressy situations. Blood pressure and heart rate go down when smiling. Two tips: 1) when stressed, put som
Marl1's Images: 45/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | Flow's Calendar shares a male secret: many men dread Valentine day, because they are afraid to buy the wrong present, or to simply forget about the day... | My thought on it? "At the heart of the matter, it's the heart that m
Marl1's Images: 44/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | @flow_magazine serves us a quote from Jessica de Bloom ( me) "The nice thing about vacation is that you can enjoy it a lifetime by its memories" | I would add: and as a photographer some memories become even more viv
Marl1's Images: 43/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | Today @flow_magazine informs us scientists celebrate "Darwin Day", 12th Feb 1809 being Darwin's birthday. It seems that in the light of his evolution theory, Darwin's thoughts about women were no much different than those of
Marl1's Images: 42/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | Flow today tells us that Joyce Carol Oats has a remarkable explanation why she's such a productive writer "... because my cat always sits on my lap and purrs so content that I don't want to stand up. She is so much more relax
Marl1's Images: 41/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | Flow today says:"Making mistakes is female too"; famous mistake: Hedy Lamarr refused the part of Ilsa in Casablanca, instead Ingrid Bergman wrote film history with it. | My 'OOps' is only a tiny bit less spectacular
Marl1's Images: 40/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | Flow tells us that today is the holiday of St.Apollonia, patron saint of the dentists. I first shot the window of the dentist's practice. But then I saw these holes and thought "mmm... If this were teeth, the dentist would h
Marl1's Images: 38/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | @flow_magazine tells today that when the Guinness Book of Records still included the category IQ, world records were in the hands (or should we say "heads") of women. Well... all start at kindergarten
Marl1's Images: 38/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | @flow_magazine calendar today was a mission impossible to me ......... Again ice, the "11 City Skating Race" to be precise. It wasn't until 1985 that women were officially allowed to participate in this iconic race over 200
Marl1's Images: 37/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 - | 6/2 apparently is the day the chinese celebratie Yan Yat, the day we all get one year older. Our collective birthday so to say ;) @flow_magazine suggests to give ourselves a present. Preferably a non material one, like star
Marl1's Images: 36/365 for #gowithmyflow2014 | Flow's calendar quote today: "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea" (R.A.Heinlein) - Hey, I'm as neutral as Switzerland here. Therefor, next to all the Largo pictures,
Marl1's Images: 35/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | On World Cancer Day @flowmagazine pays tribute to Nobel prize winner Gertrude Belle Elion, who saved many people's life by developing several cures against cancer (a.o. leucemia) and found a method to suppress the immune syst
Marl1's Images: 34/365 of #gowithmyflow2014 | Today Flow's calendar talks about the fact that selfconfidence is a major factor for hapiness. To boost someone's selfconfidence it helps to stick post-it notes on someone's phone, computer screen etc. I made some for hub wh
Marl1's Images: 33/365 for #gowithmyflow2014 | Today's Flow page quotes : "Men who don't like girls with brains don't like girls" (Mignon McLaughlin) - great quote, difficult depicting. Hope this does the trick. If not, I did enjoy the sunlight ;)