lucyrfisher: Amwell Street
lucyrfisher: Amwell Street
lucyrfisher: Victorian girls' school, Amwell Street
lucyrfisher: Ancient fig tree next to Victorian girls' school, Amwell Street
lucyrfisher: Amwell Street
lucyrfisher: Amwell Street
lucyrfisher: Amwell Street
lucyrfisher: Amwell Street
lucyrfisher: Amwell Street
lucyrfisher: Amwell Street
lucyrfisher: Amwell Street
lucyrfisher: Yard, Bloomsbury
lucyrfisher: Victorian balconies, Bloomsbury
lucyrfisher: Pollarded tree, Bloomsbury
lucyrfisher: Victorian granite fountain, Bloombury
lucyrfisher: Russell Square, fountain, winter sun
lucyrfisher: Russell Square, fountain, winter sun
lucyrfisher: Fountain, winter sun, Russell Square
lucyrfisher: Girls, fountain, Russell Square
lucyrfisher: Even in Kings Cross
lucyrfisher: Hipster cafe
lucyrfisher: NHS Demo March 2017
lucyrfisher: Trees, Bloomsbury
lucyrfisher: Lenin lived in Percy Circus
lucyrfisher: Percy Circus, valley of the Fleet
lucyrfisher: Percy Circus
lucyrfisher: Percy Circus
lucyrfisher: Bevin Court, Berthold Lubetkin