Snug Harborman: Tiffany Christmas window
Snug Harborman: The discontent of our Winter...
Snug Harborman: Anguilla boat bar, and PJ enjoying.
Snug Harborman: Auction Bike pieces
Snug Harborman: VO Chainguard, FSA Gimondi crankset, VO Sabot pedals
Snug Harborman: 2015 Auction Bike, rear quarter
Snug Harborman: Mukluk on bridge
Snug Harborman: Across from the old Bancroft Mill
Snug Harborman: Bombadil and Thunder Burts -- Butch Bomba!
Snug Harborman: Fatbike and lifeboat
Snug Harborman: Homer getting caffeinated, perfect early summer morning.
Snug Harborman: Projects in the shop
Snug Harborman: Monstaluki! (Explored 9/11/15)
Snug Harborman: Happy C&O biker
Snug Harborman: Christmas Clementine