Snug Harborman: Notre Dame
Snug Harborman: Lily, Pont des Arts and its many locks
Snug Harborman: The girls on the Left Bank
Snug Harborman: Eiffel Tower from boat on the Seine
Snug Harborman: Eiffel Tower from dinner cruise
Snug Harborman: Notre Dame, north (?) portal
Snug Harborman: Quelle babe!
Snug Harborman: In contrast to the wretched excess at Versailles!
Snug Harborman: Montmartre, from the top of the Eiffel Tower
Snug Harborman: Champagne at the top of the Eiffel Tower
Snug Harborman: Lily on a carousel at the Eiffel Tower
Snug Harborman: The girl at Versailles
Snug Harborman: Versailles, before the hordes arrived
Snug Harborman: Lily at the Arc de Triomphe
Snug Harborman: Yi at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, under the Arc de Triomphe
Snug Harborman: A different "Starry Night", at the Musee d'Orsay
Snug Harborman: Cool in spite of itself