Snug Harborman: Bridge over the Brandywine Creek
Snug Harborman: Paved trail and bridge along Brandywine Creek
Snug Harborman: Down by the river...
Snug Harborman: Bombadil and a little history
Snug Harborman: Bombadil resting in abandoned pavilion leading to footbridge over the Brandywine, at Bancroft Mills.
Snug Harborman: The road goes ever on...
Snug Harborman: About a half mile on this grass path, morning commute. (Explored 5/20/14)
Snug Harborman: What passes for wildlife along the Brandywine..
Snug Harborman: Rose garden fountain, Brandywine Creek Park
Snug Harborman: OLD tracks along the Brandywine Creek.