Snug Harborman: Quickbeam drive side
Snug Harborman: Rivendell Bombadil, with SON and Rohloff hubs (Explored 12/7/13)
Snug Harborman: Rivendell Atlantis (v. 2.0)
Snug Harborman: 1983 Fuji Espree 650B
Snug Harborman: First commute... (Explored 9/6/12)
Snug Harborman: Finished build -- single speed Rivendell Bombadil
Snug Harborman: Ready for shakedown spin
Snug Harborman: Riv Rally East home staging area (Atlantis v. 3.0)
Snug Harborman: Bridgestone MB-2 Resurrectio
Snug Harborman: Bombadil (v. 1.0) Sunday morning
Snug Harborman: Nishiki Century mixte -- the "after"
Snug Harborman: Mystery Bike, a/k/a "Albert Campion"
Snug Harborman: SimpleOne commute
Snug Harborman: Atlantis, ready to roll
Snug Harborman: Bleriot front 1/4
Snug Harborman: Homer, posing
Snug Harborman: 1983 Fuji Espree 650B
Snug Harborman: Riv Rally East home staging area
Snug Harborman: Creamsicle DreamCycle
Snug Harborman: New project, 1 of 2
Snug Harborman: Trek 7600
Snug Harborman: Mongoose ATB