Snug Harborman: Homer at rest
Snug Harborman: Homer at rest, at work
Snug Harborman: Homer and fountain
Snug Harborman: The long and winding...
Snug Harborman: My Homie
Snug Harborman: Homer, posing
Snug Harborman: Untitled
Snug Harborman: Homer, with tug and barge
Snug Harborman: Down at Fox Point State Park
Snug Harborman: Delaware River, New Jersey in the background
Snug Harborman: Homer at Fox Point Park.
Snug Harborman: Untitled
Snug Harborman: What's up, Home-style?
Snug Harborman: Early summer evening glamor shot.
Snug Harborman: Office Bike Garage
Snug Harborman: "Turns out I have a Rose Garden..."
Snug Harborman: Homer with geese.
Snug Harborman: Homer on the Brandywine
Snug Harborman: New commute route
Snug Harborman: New Homer commuter configuration
Snug Harborman: Homer on way to work...
Snug Harborman: Homer from below and behind
Snug Harborman: Homer drivetrain, dirty Contis, and Open Pros
Snug Harborman: Mr. Hilsen got in some mud on the way to work...
Snug Harborman: UNRacer Cockpit
Snug Harborman: UNRacer magnet, Nitto Lugged Stem
Snug Harborman: Where's the engine?
Snug Harborman: Homer, the Alpha Dog...
Snug Harborman: Homer, ready for Bike to the Beach 2015
Snug Harborman: Coffee and scone at De La Coeur -- the best!