hotsquirrel: at Parkes
hotsquirrel: Boorowa NSW
hotsquirrel: Boorowa NSW
hotsquirrel: Parkes NSW
hotsquirrel: Grenfell windmill
hotsquirrel: Forbes
hotsquirrel: Goan Waterhole at Trangie NSW
hotsquirrel: Ewe Two at Trangie
hotsquirrel: Argonauts Park at Trangie NSW
hotsquirrel: Nevertire NSW
hotsquirrel: Nyngan NSW
hotsquirrel: Nyngan NSW
hotsquirrel: Nyngan NSW
hotsquirrel: Afternoon tea anyone?
hotsquirrel: Girilambone NSW
hotsquirrel: Coolabah NSW
hotsquirrel: Coolabah NSW
hotsquirrel: Coolabah NSW
hotsquirrel: north of Coolabah NSW
hotsquirrel: Mulga Creek Hotel
hotsquirrel: Mulga Creek Hotel
hotsquirrel: Darling River bridge- Bourke NSW
hotsquirrel: emus north of Bourke NSW
hotsquirrel: Barringan NSW
hotsquirrel: Tattersals Hotel- Barringan
hotsquirrel: ready to jump
hotsquirrel: emus near Cunnamulla
hotsquirrel: Mitchell Hwy- cardboard traffic light
hotsquirrel: Cunnamulla Qld
hotsquirrel: The Cunnamulla Fella