hotsquirrel: before sunrise at Buronga NSW
hotsquirrel: sunrise on Murray River NSW
hotsquirrel: Murray River at Waikeria SA
hotsquirrel: waiting for Waikerie punt
hotsquirrel: Waikerie punt on Murray River SA
hotsquirrel: Station Masters House at Morgan SA
hotsquirrel: Railway Terrace- Morgan SA
hotsquirrel: Terminus and Commercial Hotels- Morgan SA
hotsquirrel: Terminus Hotel- Morgan
hotsquirrel: Morgan Riverview Cafe
hotsquirrel: Landseers Warehouse- Morgan SA
hotsquirrel: Morgan riverfront park and turntable
hotsquirrel: Murray River punt- Morgan SA
hotsquirrel: Vesper on the Murray at Morgan
hotsquirrel: Morgan wharf remains
hotsquirrel: Morgan Museum- telephone exchange
hotsquirrel: Morgan Museum
hotsquirrel: Lazy Jayne- Morgan Museum
hotsquirrel: Morgan Museum
hotsquirrel: wool press and bales Morgan Museum
hotsquirrel: Morgan Museum
hotsquirrel: once was- pride and joy
hotsquirrel: rural relic- Sth Australia
hotsquirrel: Australian bush fly
hotsquirrel: Burra- Nobs and Snobs Antiques
hotsquirrel: Pharaohs Tomb & Burra Antiques
hotsquirrel: Burra- Market Square
hotsquirrel: Burra- Market Square rotunda
hotsquirrel: Burra Bazaar
hotsquirrel: Burra- Cook O'Burra