JohnBFenn3: creepy guy
JohnBFenn3: spring?
JohnBFenn3: sk8 wrld!
JohnBFenn3: folky art
JohnBFenn3: nam june paik & I
JohnBFenn3: Somehow the mag-safe slot in the MBAir grabbed a screw from a Herman Miller table! strong...
JohnBFenn3: dynamic diptych
JohnBFenn3: conference fondue fountain!
JohnBFenn3: Bruce Mau concludes
JohnBFenn3: rolling bay
JohnBFenn3: dungeness crab...fresh!
JohnBFenn3: stripey
JohnBFenn3: swells
JohnBFenn3: Rocky Balboa on the tube
JohnBFenn3: big moon
JohnBFenn3: pool dude
JohnBFenn3: um...yeah