Fred J Carss: Rolo saying chase me
Fred J Carss: ROLO'S 1ST DAY
Fred J Carss: watching bees
Fred J Carss: Rolo relaxing
Fred J Carss: Rolo says phhhh to you
Fred J Carss: Go away - It's nap time
Fred J Carss: Its my ball and I'll decide if you can play!
Fred J Carss: Rugby pup in action!
Fred J Carss: My serious face
Fred J Carss: I'm the king of the castle !
Fred J Carss: Big Labrador small man
Fred J Carss: That food is taking its time !
Fred J Carss: High speed spin dry
Fred J Carss: Paw maintenance
Fred J Carss: B...........r off I'm trying to sleep!
Fred J Carss: Morning dip
Fred J Carss: It was'nt me. I did'nt do it. You cant prove a thing. Its circumstantial evidence. I just happened to lie down here!
Fred J Carss: Watching a large bug on the tree
Fred J Carss: Birthday cake arrives - chocolate of course !
Fred J Carss: Rolo is 4 today
Fred J Carss: Rolo & Anton
Fred J Carss: "Nah, nah !" says the squirrel to Rolo
Fred J Carss: Rolo & Maxi
Fred J Carss: Rolo's on the job
Fred J Carss: The guardian
Fred J Carss: Morning dip
Fred J Carss: Christmas
Fred J Carss: Getting stuck in