David Keljo: Eagle landing on rock
David Keljo: Eagle landing on rock
David Keljo: Eagle diving on wigeon for lunch
David Keljo: Wigeon diving to avoid becoming lunch
David Keljo: Eagle missing lunch
David Keljo: Eagle rearranging sticks on rock
David Keljo: Eagle rearranging sticks on rock
David Keljo: Eagle rearranging sticks on rock
David Keljo: Eagle rearranging sticks on rock
David Keljo: Eagle rearranging sticks on rock
David Keljo: Eagle rearranging sticks on rock
David Keljo: Kestrel
David Keljo: Fall color
David Keljo: Lake Martin
David Keljo: Fall Color
David Keljo: Snowy egret
David Keljo: Snowy Egret on log, Great Blue Heron on tree
David Keljo: Snowy Egret
David Keljo: Fall Color
David Keljo: Color, Lake Martin, LA
David Keljo: Cypress knees
David Keljo: Rotted stump
David Keljo: Rotted log
David Keljo: Snowy egret, watching
David Keljo: Fall color
David Keljo: Cypress trees and swamp sunflowers, Lake Martin, LA
David Keljo: Lake Martin, LA
David Keljo: Fall color in the swamp
David Keljo: Fall color