11inthewoods: Shadow Orcs with Night Crawler
11inthewoods: Uruk-hai Berserkers
11inthewoods: The Forgotten Elves
11inthewoods: Drull the Trollrider (front)
11inthewoods: Grey Goblins
11inthewoods: Half man, half orc
11inthewoods: Frost Orcs
11inthewoods: The White Wizards
11inthewoods: Haradrim Vanguard
11inthewoods: Ghouls
11inthewoods: Orcs from Morc
11inthewoods: Pearl Dark Gray Megadeth
11inthewoods: Well Executed?
11inthewoods: Sauron's Manifestation
11inthewoods: Licht und Schatten
11inthewoods: GundabadASS Orcs
11inthewoods: The Ice Cold Heart of an Orc
11inthewoods: Fright Knights 3.0
11inthewoods: The Lizards of O(rc)z
11inthewoods: Led By Orca
11inthewoods: Uruk-hai zombified
11inthewoods: Jawbreaker Clan
11inthewoods: Horned Troll