BigSchill: coming into the Booddockers camp at the end.
BigSchill: juicy mud with a sand coating
BigSchill: just before the muddy "dry" lake
BigSchill: a good sign
BigSchill: in Rockhouse Cyn
BigSchill: no campfires here
BigSchill: ken,Chad and Kevin
BigSchill: sandy ride
BigSchill: heading down
BigSchill: heading out
BigSchill: sandy road heaven
BigSchill: chilly morning
BigSchill: camp view
BigSchill: a beautiful morning
BigSchill: fatty in full repose
BigSchill: Ken's view site
BigSchill: Kevin's Ocotillo shaded site
BigSchill: sleeping quarters
BigSchill: In the canyon
BigSchill: Pegleg marker
BigSchill: colorful cockpit
BigSchill: Ken fully loaded
BigSchill: heading out to Rockhouse Cyn.
BigSchill: Grapefruit stop
BigSchill: packed and ready
BigSchill: campfire
BigSchill: orange groves