Kolvorok: Little bug on yellow cratered flower-planet
Kolvorok: Melanargia Galathea - male
Kolvorok: Melanargia Galathea - male
Kolvorok: Melanargia Galathea - male
Kolvorok: Bombylius major heading for green berry caught in flight
Kolvorok: Owlfly - libelloides coccajus
Kolvorok: Butterfly on daisy
Kolvorok: Skipper butterfly sucking on daisy
Kolvorok: Hornet mimicry moth - Sesia apiformis
Kolvorok: Hornet mimicry moth - Sesia apiformis
Kolvorok: Bumblebee-like fly
Kolvorok: Moth, underwings and antennae
Kolvorok: Pink yellow zebra stinkbug - Dolycoris baccarum
Kolvorok: Pink yellow zebra stinkbug - Dolycoris baccarum
Kolvorok: Pink yellow zebra stinkbug - Dolycoris baccarum
Kolvorok: Pink yellow zebra stinkbug - Dolycoris baccarum
Kolvorok: Hovering fly on a leaf
Kolvorok: Bee on a white flower
Kolvorok: Bee covered in pollen
Kolvorok: Corizus hyoscyami crawling on peeling bark
Kolvorok: Ladybug with pollen filaments stuck on her back
Kolvorok: Ladybug with pollen filaments stuck on her back
Kolvorok: Ladybug with pollen filaments stuck on her back
Kolvorok: Fly on a dying mushroom
Kolvorok: Young grasshopperon top of a flower
Kolvorok: Fly resting on leaf
Kolvorok: Spider mending his net
Kolvorok: Bumblebee slurping flower
Kolvorok: Little critter on plant
Kolvorok: Death through the eyes of a fly