hoosiers: Teresa with diaper cake at Julie's shower
hoosiers: Picture that all signed for Julie
hoosiers: Julie and Jessica who gave Julie's shower
hoosiers: Some of those at Julie's Shower in Bloomington
hoosiers: Julie opening presents
hoosiers: Displaying one of many nice presents
hoosiers: Fun to read cards and see all the nice things
hoosiers: Julie with afghan that Jessica made Ainsley
hoosiers: Opening present from Gwen and me
hoosiers: Present open
hoosiers: Opening part of present from Clint and Jessica
hoosiers: Very nice stroller, seat, etc. combo
hoosiers: Jessica showing her some more shower goodies
hoosiers: The delicious lemon cake at the end of a great brunch
hoosiers: Julie looking at her diaper cake
hoosiers: Jessical showing her it that she, Clint, and Teresa had put together
hoosiers: Some of guests visiting after playing bingo for nice prizes that Jessica had
hoosiers: Another picture of some of the guests
hoosiers: Julie with a piece of cake at the end of her shower
hoosiers: Jeremiah with Ainsley after she had arrived by c-section on 11/15/07
hoosiers: Ainsley 3 lb 12 oz at birth and already almost back up to it when we saw her on Sunday
hoosiers: Ainsley was small but well filled out and breathing and crying on her own from the start
hoosiers: She was receiving just a little oxygen to help her so she didn't have to work quite so hard, but still breathing on her own mostly.
hoosiers: Ainsley closer in her little bed in her cubicle in baby ICU
hoosiers: Ainsley kept her eyes shut, but you could tell that she heard us talking and she opened her eyes for parents later
hoosiers: Board in Ainsley's cubicle
hoosiers: Pictures on her board
hoosiers: Close up of picture of Ainsley and her parents
hoosiers: Close-up of her info picture
hoosiers: Daddy Jeremiah with Ainsley as we visited her one at at time