hoosiers: Washington Ferry to Orcas
hoosiers: Free Willy Orcas Express
hoosiers: Exciting Dalls Porpoises
hoosiers: One of many Lovely Sunsets
hoosiers: Loved BC Butchart Gardens
hoosiers: At night they were Fantasyland
hoosiers: Lovely Victoria Inner Harbor
hoosiers: And the Historic Empress Hotel
hoosiers: High Tea there Luxurious
hoosiers: Quite an Experience
hoosiers: Great Royal BC Museum
hoosiers: Victoria Lovely at Night Also
hoosiers: BC Ferry to Vancouver
hoosiers: Vancouver from Stanley Park
hoosiers: BC NativeTotems Lodge Poles
hoosiers: Festival Mrkt Granville Island
hoosiers: Unique Beach with Huge Logs
hoosiers: Mt. Shasta on Way South
hoosiers: Hannah Roy BandB Berkeley
hoosiers: Resident Cat Walter to Greet
hoosiers: Brunch with Mark Emily and
hoosiers: Jack Lloyd and Lil at Fatapple
hoosiers: Touring Berkeley Rose Garden
hoosiers: Campanile
hoosiers: Peoples Park and Telegraph St
hoosiers: Sather Gates to Campus
hoosiers: Site of many Protests over Yrs
hoosiers: Chez Panisse Gourmet Ghetto
hoosiers: Dinner at Fishermans Wharf
hoosiers: Great Dinners at Em and Marks