hoosiers: It was a very snowy, white Christmas
hoosiers: Twins under their first tree early Dec
hoosiers: Their 2004 Christmas Card
hoosiers: 10 stockings this year
hoosiers: Started the fun of Christmas visitors
hoosiers: Pitch-in dinner first
hoosiers: Also table in Living Room
hoosiers: Another view of table
hoosiers: Then our crazy gift exchnge game
hoosiers: Pam and Gene Dornquast visiting
hoosiers: Enjoyed lots of otherChristmasGatherings
hoosiers: Enjoy music at Christmas
hoosiers: Santa and Mrs Claus came to party
hoosiers: Santa gave sugar free candy canes to all
hoosiers: Then I took everyones picture with Santa
hoosiers: Me with Santa
hoosiers: Kaitlins St Bartholomew program
hoosiers: She said her 2 memorized parts well
hoosiers: They sang lots of nice Christmas songs
hoosiers: Kaitlin with Mom and Dad after show
hoosiers: Smiling with one of her friends
hoosiers: Enjoyed a nice party at Forsters
hoosiers: Steve and Jills huge tree
hoosiers: Then received 10 inches of snow on 22nd
hoosiers: Kaitlin taking a break
hoosiers: Too soft and powdery to pack
hoosiers: AJ making a snow angel
hoosiers: Then made snow pile in yard
hoosiers: Kristen just home from work
hoosiers: Got 14 more inches overnight and morning