QMH Rumon: The river Padma ...
QMH Rumon: Beauty of the river Padma...
QMH Rumon: The river Padma ...
QMH Rumon: On the river Padma ...
QMH Rumon: On the river Padma ...
QMH Rumon: The beauty of the river Padma in rainy seson. ...
QMH Rumon: The beauty of the river Padma. ...
QMH Rumon: DSC_0206
QMH Rumon: DSC_0211
QMH Rumon: Crossing the river Padma...
QMH Rumon: DSC_0219
QMH Rumon: Before the rain ....
QMH Rumon: Stormy clouds ....
QMH Rumon: Emotions of Bangladeshi supporters. Russia 2018 FIFA World Cup ...
QMH Rumon: A village on the Island of the river Padma .....
QMH Rumon: বাবুই পাখি / Baya weaver ...
QMH Rumon: DSCN7876
QMH Rumon: Black-rumped flameback / Woodpecker ...
QMH Rumon: The Rose ....
QMH Rumon: The beauty of the clouds ....
QMH Rumon: House sparrow ......
QMH Rumon: Lighting on the stage ....
QMH Rumon: Lighting on the stage ...
QMH Rumon: Reflexion on the clouds ...
QMH Rumon: Gustavia ....
QMH Rumon: DSCN8496
QMH Rumon: Innocent village girl .....
QMH Rumon: DSCN8522
QMH Rumon: “অনেক শিখা পুড়ে তবে এমন প্রদীপ জ্বলে / অনেক কথার মরন হলে হৃদয় কথা বলে।”
QMH Rumon: When the Evening has been done...