Daz moston: i love peanuts
Daz moston: you stay on your side
Daz moston: Squirell
Daz moston: Little fluffy Squirell
Daz moston: Please sir, can I have some more?
Daz moston: Red Squirell
Daz moston: You looking at me?
Daz moston: You weren't quick enough birds!!
Daz moston: Clingon
Daz moston: have you got a new camera
Daz moston: squirell on the grass
Daz moston: down the hill
Daz moston: squirell on bridge
Daz moston: big squirell
Daz moston: you ain't seen me right
Daz moston: Squirell in Tree at Lymm Dam
Daz moston: Squirells Head Lymm
Daz moston: Dunham Squirell
Daz moston: spotlights on you
Daz moston: backend of a squirell
Daz moston: squirells head
Daz moston: squirell with some of my dinner
Daz moston: light on the squirell
Daz moston: the squirell and the tit
Daz moston: no nut comments please
Daz moston: hello little squirell
Daz moston: do you mind i'm chewing
Daz moston: sniffy sniffy
Daz moston: arrrrrr
Daz moston: still tiny squirell