Dubi Feiner: Architectural graphics
Dubi Feiner: Side wall corner at a gass ststion
Dubi Feiner: Barbie Christmas doll at the parad in Nazaret
Dubi Feiner: Architecture photography
Dubi Feiner: Photography at the Israel Museum of art
Dubi Feiner: A woman sits at the The Churc Holy Sepulcher
Dubi Feiner: landscape
Dubi Feiner: DSCF0983
Dubi Feiner: DSCF0972
Dubi Feiner: DSCF0959
Dubi Feiner: Purim celebrations in the Nachlaot neighborhood of Jerusalem
Dubi Feiner: Purim in Tel-Aviv
Dubi Feiner: DSCF7453
Dubi Feiner: A group of policemen and a transgender, at the Pride Parade in Tel Aviv
Dubi Feiner: My beloved uncle and freind, Marek Goldberg
Dubi Feiner: My beloved uncle and freind, Marek Goldberg, takes pictures at the Tel Aviv Skatepark
Dubi Feiner: My beloved uncle and freind, Marek Goldberg, takes pictures in the walls of Acer
Dubi Feiner: אישה מרוחה בבוץ בים במלח-A woman smeared with mud, in the Dead Sea
Dubi Feiner: Tel Aviv Museum, Alberto Giacometti statue
Dubi Feiner: חג הנביא אליהו אלח'אדר
Dubi Feiner: The Feast of the prophet Eliyaho in the Druze community-חג הנביא אליהו אלח'אדר
Dubi Feiner: Ram Oren- Thriller writer
Dubi Feiner: Sunset in Jaffa.
Dubi Feiner: Profesor Yhuda Nini020
Dubi Feiner: Profesor Yhuda Nini018
Dubi Feiner: Profesor Yhuda Nini017
Dubi Feiner: Profesor Yhuda Nini014
Dubi Feiner: לילה בכפר סבא 1991