bettyeich: Arrival in Berlin
bettyeich: From our Window
bettyeich: Ed and "Martin Luther"
bettyeich: "Do you see me?"
bettyeich: Memorial of the Airlift
bettyeich: Remnant of the Berlin Wall
bettyeich: Remnant of the Berlin Wall 2
bettyeich: Memorial to the Families Separated by the Wall
bettyeich: Statue of East German Soldier Leaping to Freedom
bettyeich: Berlin Cathedral
bettyeich: Church Service at Berlin Cathedral
bettyeich: Berlin Cathedral Service
bettyeich: "You see me."
bettyeich: Choir for the Church Service
bettyeich: Brandenburg Gate
bettyeich: Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
bettyeich: Panorama of Memorial
bettyeich: Memorial to the Murdered Jews 2
bettyeich: Ed at Checkpoint Charlie 1
bettyeich: Ed at Checkpoint Charlie 2
bettyeich: Bundestag 1
bettyeich: Bundestag 2
bettyeich: Bundestag 3
bettyeich: Schoeneberg Fountain 1
bettyeich: Schoeneberg Fountain 2
bettyeich: TV Tower, Symbol of old East Berlin