bettyeich: Our screened cabin at Casa Picaflores
bettyeich: Casa Picaflores
bettyeich: Now THIS is living!
bettyeich: Small Waterfall
bettyeich: Sign at Casa Picaflores
bettyeich: Pool fed by Mountain Stream at Casa Picaflores
bettyeich: Orchid
bettyeich: Curious Gecko
bettyeich: Tropical Beauty - 1
bettyeich: At the pool
bettyeich: Tropical Beauty - 2
bettyeich: Our Cabin at Casa Picaflores
bettyeich: On our hike into El Yunque
bettyeich: BIG snail!
bettyeich: El Yunque's Old Buildings
bettyeich: Towering Bamboo Canes
bettyeich: El Yunque View - 1
bettyeich: El Yunque View 2
bettyeich: Ed and Robin in El Yunque